On 15 June 2021, China’s National Healthcare Security Administration released the “Medical Security Law (Draft for Public Comment)” (the “Law”, 醫療保障法(征求意見稿)), whose public comment period will close on l6 July 2021.
The Law applies to the financing, benefits payment, fund management, price management, bidding procurement, pharmaceutical services, public management services, supervision and administration and other activities in relation to the medical security.
In accordance with the Law, employers including the state organs, enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, and sole proprietors with employees must pay the basic medical insurance for employees. Persons not covered by the basic medical insurance for employees or not enjoying other medical securities in accordance with relevant provisions shall participate in the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents in accordance with the law.
Cover Photo by Snowscat (https://unsplash.com/@snowscat) on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team