On 20 Sept. 2021, the National Supervisory Commission promulgated the “Implementation Regulations for the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China” (中華人民共和國監察法實施條例), which entered into force on the same day. This Regulations is the first supervisory regulations made by the National Supervisory Commission since its establishment.
There are 287 articles in the Regulations, making up nine charters corresponding to each chapter of the Supervision Law: general provisions, supervisory authorities and duties, supervision scope and jurisdiction, supervisory powers, supervisory procedures, international cooperation against corruption, supervision over supervisory authorities and supervisory personnel, legal liability, and supplementary provisions.
The Regulations specifies the investigation scope of supervisory authorities and lists 101 offences in office over which the supervisory authorities have jurisdiction. The Regulations divides the supervisory procedures provided in the Supervision Law into seven specific stages: handling of clues, preliminary verification, case filing, investigation, trial, disposal, and transfer for review and prosecution, thus standardizing the supervisory procedures.
Cover Photo by Paul Wei (https://unsplash.com/@paul_wei) on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team