On 8 Oct. 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) released the Negative List for Market Access (2021 Edition) (“Negative List (2021)”) (市場準入負面清單(2021年版)) (簡稱《負面清單(2021年)》) to seek public comments through 14 Oct.
The Negative List (2021) now includes six prohibited access items and 111 permitted access items, totaling 117 items, 6 items less than the 2020 version.
The Negative List (2021) specifies prohibitions on finance-related businesses as well as news and media-related businesses in violation of regulations.
In addition, the Negative List (2021) includes virtual currency mining among “backward production technology and equipment”, classifying it as eliminated and prohibiting investment in it, which serves as part of amendments based on the Catalogue for Guidance of Industrial Restructuring(產業結構調整指導目錄).
Cover Photo by wudan3551 on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team